
David Lowland
Feb 14 2013

Introducing the Chemical Guide for Filtered Enclosures

After last week’s post, you’ll know that we’re always looking for opportunities to help our clients and their customers find the information they’re looking for. As another case in point, in our continuing work with Labconco, we noticed that users were struggling to choose the most appropriate filter and enclosure products for their applications. Some chemicals and compounds should not be used in a ductless enclosure at all for safety reasons, and others have specific requirements for personal and lab safety.

Rather than expecting users to sift through all the filters and their specifications, we decided there had to be a better way to help users find the most appropriate filters and enclosures—so we created the Chemical Guide for Filtered Enclosures.

The Chemical Guide lets you search for chemicals by name, synonym, or CAS number. Based on your search, the guide provides:

  • NIOSH and OSHA exposure limits
  • Odor threshold and filter capacity information
  • A rating to assess the compatibility of the chemical with ductless filtration
  • A recommendation for a carbon or HEPA filter appropriate for the chemical
  • A link to the Labconco filters for that application and whether they are available for purchase online

Here’s how it works:

Go to Company, Tools and Services, Chemical Guide

Enter a chemical

Review the results

The Chemical Guide does all the hard work for you, letting you quickly find the information you need. Combine that with the Filter Reminder service, which reminds you when it’s time to check your filters and filter accessories, and you’ll be set. You can take a look at the Chemical Guide on the Labconco website.

Note that Labconco recommends you also consult with a safety officer before selecting a filtered enclosure. As with any application using chemicals, your safety is of primary importance.

At Ebeacon we’re always looking for better ways of helping your customers find what they need from your catalog or website. Check out our Services pages to see what else we can do to help your business thrive. Or, if you already know you need better product selection tools, contact us to discuss your project.